Posted by: Your Personal Garden Coach Lynda | May 4, 2011

New Finds – Systemic Rabbit deterrents!!

Keeping rabbits off of your plants is a challenge for a lot of us.  Listening to people talk about their problems with those voracious eaters has led me to wanting to write a book about rabbit resistant gardening.  My strategy is to plant more trees, shrubs and perennials that they don’t like and try to break their habit of using your garden for a meal.

One of the tricks to break these creatures of habit, is to use sprays that smell really bad and/or have hot pepper in it so the rabbit won’t like the taste.  Depending on the type of spray used, it can last till the next rain, or three months meaning –  you have to reapply at some point.

It was very exciting to find a very long-lasting repellent.  I found Repellex, systemic tablets, at our local Ace Hardware.  I knew about the development of this product and was excited to learn it has been approved by the E.P.A.   So simple to use!

“In the case of Repellex, tablets with the delivery formulation are placed near the roots of a plant and, when watered, release a natural hot pepper concentrate known as capsicum that is absorbed by the plant, making it inedible.”

“This is a great application because capsicum is very safe and very effective. There is no
genetic modification. Eventually the plant will outgrow the capsicum treatment,
but it lasts much longer than spray repellents.”

I have a customer with a bunny population under her deck.  I applied the tablets around her roses and the annuals I just planted for her.  I will let you know how well it works.


  1. Hi Lynn, Is this product also recommended for deer?? If so might try it on the gardens I work on in Michigan


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